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By Karen Koehler
Senior Managing Partner

Our firm is privileged to represent the family of Summer Taylor, a BLM protestor in Seattle who was killed when struck by a car on July 4, 2020.  Summer was a 24-year-old bright light who believed strongly in the need for societal reform on the issues encapsulated in the BLM movement.  Summer regularly attended recent protests.  Despite being pepper-sprayed by the police and witnessing violence during the protests, they maintained a peaceful vigil for the cause.  Parents Dalia, Matt, and kid brother Luke, shared Summers’ story with the press today despite severe grief, because they want Summer’s life to be recognized and her mission to be not in vain.  The family sends their best wishes to Diaz Love who was struck during the same event.

To honor Summer a GoFund me campaign was established.

About the Author
In the mid-2000’s an opponent told me that other defense attorneys were calling me The Velvet Hammer™”.   When asked why he said: because you smile so sweetly while you are hammering us into the ground.  I thought that was funny and adopted the name.