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Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys in Seattle
“The test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.”
~ Pearl S. Buck
Abuse and neglect of the elderly and otherwise vulnerable continues to be a major problem in the United States. Many victims are unable to recognize or report abuse and neglect because of their mental states (especially if affected by drugs or dementia), because they are disabled or weak, or because they are afraid of retaliation.
Elder abuse and neglect can result in both physical and mental injuries. In many cases, nursing home injuries and premature death are preventable and caused by incompetence, negligence, or abuse by staff or preventable injury caused by a roommate or other fellow resident. Sometimes nursing homes fail to disclose hazards and dangers.

The Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys at the Strittmatter Firm Are Here to Help
Federal and state laws require nursing homes and their professionals to meet a high standard of care so that each resident has appropriate choice, dignity, respect, and the highest possible quality of life. As an incentive to nursing homes to comply, the law may allow the inured resident and/or family to recover attorneys’ fees and costs of a lawsuit in some cases.
If you or someone you care about was hurt in a nursing home or daycare facility, we want to help. Contact the experienced nursing home abuse attorneys at The Stritmatter Firm today at 206-448-1777 for more information and to set up a FREE consultation.
Types of Nursing Home Abuse in Washington State
Examples of elder abuse and neglect include the following:
- Death
- Bedsores
- Broken or fractured bones
- Head injuries
- Improper restraint
- Physical abuse
- Assault
- Rape
- Medication error or overdose
- Failure to clean and bathe
- Theft
- Malnutrition
- Failure to provide adequate food and liquids
- Failure to change sheets, adult undergarments, bandages
- Falls
- Abandonment, unfair transfer, or discharge
- Failure to watch or supervise
- Other neglect
- Lack of informed consent
- Illegal discrimination
- Misrepresentation, fraud, or undue influence over wills or gifts of money and property
- Failure to report wrongdoing
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